, pub-9826125776293830, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 🧘‍♂️ Learn to Meditate | The House of Shayaa
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🧘‍♂️ Learn to Meditate

  • 21días
  • 86pasos


Need to bring some peace and calm to your life? Mindfulness and meditation are just what you need!! Join this challenge to get a 21-day program introducing mindfulness and meditation. You get daily prompts explaining how to do sitting meditation plus mindfulness checks at the end of each day.

También puedes unirte a este programa desde la app.



Pago único
29,99 GBP
8 planes disponibles
Desde 2,99 GBP/month


¿Ya eres un participante? Inicia sesión

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