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Nubian Citrus Punch - Lush Oil

Nubian Citrus Punch - Lush Oil

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Monthly Citrus punch
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£12.99every month until canceled
Weekly Lush Oil
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£12.99every week until canceled

#Bestseller - One of our best sellers, we have been told its like aromatherapy in a bottle, Nubian Citrus Punch Lush Oil is packed with Orange, Lemon, Lime, and Grapefruits for an uplifting fresh aroma Use this on your hair, body, and face as an oil cleanser.

Hot oil treatments couldn't be easier, just pop your bottle into a cup of hot water to heat then place oil all over clean hair/locs. Cover head for approx 30 mins, then rinse.

You could increase your moisture by having Nubian Citrus Punch Butter Treatment.

Nubian Citrus Punch is amazing for promoting emotional balance and well-being as it can give you high vibrations with its sweet fresh and tart smell.

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