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The House Of Shayaa

Winter Protection

Yes it's here Winter, what are you doing to protect your hair? Our hair realy does feel it we go from being outside in the cold to going inside to the central heating or gas fire, both things impact on our manes. To limit drying out I would suggest that covering up whilost your out with a gorgeus headwrap would do the trick but be sure not to wrap too tight, we don't want thosae edges rubbing out now do we! Always moisturise with Awake by Shayaa blended butters or oils and lock in that moisture. Now people with locks need to wear wool in moderation in the winter as this will create a build up of fluff in the locks due to rubbing.

"I'll just pick it out" I hear you say!! but if you have already tried this you will see that all it leads to is the severing of the locks and fuzzy ends. Prevention is better than cure so get it in hand early.

Hope this quick hot tip has helped, please be sure to share with friends and love ones.

Peace and Natural Lurving

Team Shayaa


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