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Johanna Thompson

Wholistic Health Lovers

.Hey peeps, I was asked today about Alkaline foods and whats best to eat, to ensure that the body is above a PH of 5+. This will ensure that body is ready to ward of dis-eases and heal a lot quicker if there is a problem within your body. I have included a list of fruits and vegetables which will assist in your body being more alkaline.

For the past couple of month's I have been using the Alkaline Power Stick to filter my bottled spring water, now, you can filter tap water also but as I don't drink it I only filter the Spring. This has been great for me the taste of the water alone is a massive difference. You know how Tap water has a heavy metal kinda taste, well it just doesn't taste very nice, lets be honest! once my spring water has been filtered the difference is as much as it is between tap water and bottled water, (Does that make sense)? I hope so but the filtered Alkaline water is 50x better.

My nails have grown longer and stronger, I definitely have more energy and I got over the flue in 2 days. How great is that, not to mention the healthy hair growth. Click on the image to check it out for yourself but also watch the video too.

Here are the benefits of being Alkaline. I have also included what an Acidic body looks like.

Skin more elastic, youthful

  • Deeper more restful sleep

  • Abundant physical energy

  • Suffer from fewer colds, headaches, flu viruses

  • Good digestion

  • Less arthritis

  • Reduction of candida (yeast) overgrowth

  • Won’t support osteoporosis

  • Increased mental acuity, mental alertness

  • Legal natural high

  • An Acidic Body

  • Digestive

  • Excess stomach acid

  • Acid reflux

  • Gastritis

  • Ulcers

  • Saliva acidic

  • 2. Unhealthy Nails, Skin and Hair:

  • Nails are thin and break easily

  • Dry skin

  • 3. Teeth and Mouth Issues:

  • Loose teeth

  • Teeth sensitive to hot, cold, or acidic foods

  • Teeth have a tendency to crack or chip

  • Sensitive gums

  • Mouth ulcers

  • Infections in throat and tonsils

  • Tooth nerve pain

  • 4. Eyes, Head and General Body:

  • Headaches

  • Low body temperature (feels cold)

  • Tendency to get infections

  • Leg cramps and spasms

  • Eyes tear easily, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids and corneas

  • 5. Nerves and Emotions:

  • Low energy; constant fatigue

  • Being continually depressed with a loss of joy and enthusiasm

  • Excessive nervousness

  • Cracks at the corners of the lips

  • Hair is dull with split ends, and falls out

  • Hives

  • Dull complexion This information re acidic versus Alkaline is taken from care 2 there are masses of info on there in regards to health but for Wholistic information which is directed to African decedents please visit also do a search for him on YouTube and watch his videos.

  • Thank you for reading, please share with your friends and family.

Peace and hair grease.

Team Shayaa

P.S Click here to get your Alkaline Power Stick

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