We are happy to announce that we have started "Pinning" on Pinterest, we have found so many interesting, beautiful, creative and inspiring images along with the hints and tips and style ideas its a great platform and we hope that if you haven't already then join us well follow us and save some of our pins. We're more that sure that you will find then "Pinteresting".
For those who don't know what Pinterest is.......... it's a platform for sharing your fab interests/ hobbies you will find an array of topic's, yes ours is natural hair, locs, well being and lifestyle but there are topics on Pets, home decor, marketing, music etc you will be pleasantly surprised, I've seen knitting, crochet wedding ideas the lot, trust me it's brilliant.
Pinterest also has groups with 10's of thousands of people in all pinning there interest and if your not one for chatting on social media then this is puurfect for you (cat lovers, there's Pins on that subject too).
At the moment we have boards on the topics that relate to us as a salon and also topics that relate to you our clients and potential clients if your not one already!! here's a bit of an insight we have
#best of Shayaa.com which highlights how site and hair gallery
#Box braids this is full of inspiring Ideas for those who want to transition from relax/perm to Natural
#Cornrow magic one of our oldest form of style, right now this showcases how on #fleek the styles are at this very moment
#natural hair styles great for the natural sistah's out there who just need style ideas for their beautiful fro
#everything locs we will literally have everything to do with locs on this #board
#Plant-based magic your products and the food you eat should all be plant based if possible this board will be filled with hints and tips for this lifestyle.
The are more but you will have to go check out our Profile and see for yourself.
We look forward to seeing your "Pins" in the very near future.
Please share with the peeps you know will find value in our Blog as we are building it right now so we can assist the world in living natural way of life with the right tools to do so.
Please also holla at us here Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube